One idea of removing fake bounces easily: include the time or a signature into a field that the bounce will mention. This could be the subject or your address. (I don't know which headers the bounce agent is required to report) Then if you get a bounce that would include this header if correct, but doesn't, you know it's a fake. This could be extended to all sorts of replies, with the exception that the sender may have lost his mail program (and therefore the database which contains your randomly generated header for the last reply) or for some other reason (webmail etc) is replying manually. The idea seems to have originated here: Of course, the logical extrapolation of this is to use digital signatures for everything, eventually transitioning onto a trust metric to solve the "manual reply" problem. The mail signing could even be turned to cryptography, thwarting ECHELON as a nice side effect. Too bad if P = NP, though. Logically this would require some sort of external tamperproof SecureID to ensure that it's really you that's replying and not some virus or zombie. That's kinda kludgy[1], but could be incorporated into the keyboard. The problem is that the program (zombie) itself could pop up a fake "press the authentication key to proceed" box just as you're sending a mail (hooks and all) or simply just rewrite the mail on the fly. So we need program cordoning similar to user privileges, but restricted to programs. Then finally authenticity will be clear, and a digital signature will be a proper signature, or close to it (can still be stolen by exploits). [1] Not to mention dangerous for surveillance purposes. Say if most major websites require your authentication, that would be bad. However, the SecureID could be anonymous - but then the tamperproofing would have to be really good, which is another arms race.